2010-05-12 Live No transcript. I'm having fun with this title. This is a short, live piece on how my chakras have been heating up most uncomfortably, lately. I must on, sharing my thoughts about what might be the cause of that. Our "junk DNA" is in the process of reassembling. Being is multidimensional. It is possible to experience, in the physical form, changes ongoing in other dimensions or levels of being. Rather than considering that we are ill, or that there is something wrong with us, that is causing this or that discomfort, it is also possible that it is evidence of some of these cosmic changes, ongoing. Why "cosmic?" Partly, because cosmic as well as solar radiation play a big part in what's happening, here. With both solar and terrestrial magnetic fields dropping, we are exposed to more radiation. Oh, and it was 84 degrees here, in Arkansas, USA today, so my attire was appropriate, both to the external and the internal 'weather.' Enjoy ;) ♥ ☼ ♥