Install Wordpress - cPanel & Fantastico - WordpressVideo

2010-05-13 299

This tutorial is continued with full written instructions at http://WordpressVideos.TV

In this video, we're gonna take a look at how to install WordPress automatically using your cPanel account and, in particular, a function in your cPanel account called Fantastico. So just log in to your cPanel account and you should scroll all the way to the bottom, and you'll see this blue smiley icon right here that says Fantastico Deluxe. So this is a software that comes free with almost any type of cPanel account that you have. If you're web hosting ****00:33 cPanel, you should have Fantastico already installed in the cPanel, and if not, then you should contact your web hosting and ask them about this feature, as it's really important for you to install a lot of useful scripts onto your website. So I'm gonna go ahead and click on Fantastico Deluxe.

And this is the main Fantastico Deluxe screen, and if you scroll down, you'll be able to see that besides the WordPress application that we want