Inserting Aweber Forms in Your WordPress Blog - WordpressVid

2010-05-12 184

This tutorial is continued with full written instructions at http://WordpressVideos.TV

In this video, we are going to take your Aweber opt-in form and put it onto your blog in the sidebar area. So make sure you have created your Aweber list, and that you have also created an Aweber web form. So once you're done, you should be able to see a link here that says Get HTML, so I'm just gonna click on that link, and you'll see her that there are basically two versions of the opt-in form that you can put onto your blog or your website. The first one is the Javascript Snippet, and the second is the Raw HTML Version. So if you want to customize the layout or the look of your web form, then you should get the Raw HTML Version. But if you wanna keep things simple, especially if you want to change your web form later on and you don't want to edit any files on your blog or your website, just get this Javascript Snippet. So I'm just going to copy this.

And the next thing you want to do is put