People in opposition to Comcast Cable Part One

2010-05-10 21

People in opposition to Comcast Cable - Part One
Comcast Cable wants to shut-down Wilmington, Delaware’s Community Television Channel 28 and Channel 190. Community leaders and residents speak out against Comcast Cable and the monopoly grip the corporation has on the future of technology in the city. Minority leaders in Wilmington, Delaware verbalize their concern against Comcast Cable during the franchise renewal process. Wilmington, Delaware community leaders want: channels for governmental meetings to be aired, educational channels for the local schools, public channels for the citizens-at-large, continued live leased access television, and fully-staffed production studios that trains people in media making and citizen journalism. Comcast Cable had promised a component of cable television would give citizens access to local television but refused to develop access after they were awarded the city of Wilmington’s franchise agreement. Now the residents are set to drop Comcast Cable as a video service provider during the franchise renewal process. Wilmington residents want local community channels to continue “live” cablecast. Comcast Cable’s franchise expires October 2010. The people own the right-of-ways and the air waves not a corporation or the government. Wilmington’s cable channel 28 was the stepping stone to the political support of current Vice President Joe Biden, who appeared on many local channel 28 television shows to sustain his career?