GMO Food Labeling Censorship URGENT ALERT

2010-05-05 1

GMO Food Labeling Censorship URGENT ALERT - I received an urgent alert about a dangerous situation taking place right now at the international CODEX conference. The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not. Your help is urgently needed to send a message to the Secretaries of State (Clinton), Agriculture (Vilsack), and Health and Human Services (Sebelius) to urge them to halt the USA's nefarious attempts to install a global GMO deception, supported by big companies like Monsanto...

Take part in this online petition, CLICK HERE:


GMO Food Labeling Censorship ALERT of May 2010

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