Embracing the Dark Side - B

2010-05-02 1

2nd Journal 2010-01-27 TRANSCRIPT: On Scribd - http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace Intro: Inner darkness. We all have it. Those of us who own it, who take responsibility for the reality of it, however, branch off the beaten path, take the fork in the road that looks so dark and shadowy, yet knowing we are called by heart to go this way. Though we don’t know it when we first set off on this path, there are discoveries and developments possible here that would never be encountered on the other path. WE WALK BOTH PATHS Actually, and I will lose some here, we walk both paths. We always walk the path of Light. We can’t help it. We are of the Light, and that’s just the way of it. So we walk both paths, simultaneously, as we head off this way, the way of accepting and owning both the greater darkness of the world, and our own inner darkness. Really, they are the same, but that is not, at first, visible or apparent. So, to embrace the darkness. What an idea! ...