1st Journal 2010-05-02 Transcript: On Scribd - http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace Intro: ...Back in January a series on embracing the dark side - the dark side of you, of me - came through in the journals. It didn’t get posted, then, but it looks like now’s the time, so I’l be going back through them, to put in what links I can to the transcripts to dress them up a bit. Just in general, though, I want to put in an introductory word for the dark side. That’s us, too, you know. How could it be otherwise, when the whole Cosmos is just one? Where’s the two-ness, the other-ness in that? Where’s there room for it? There’s not, of course. It just is, and that’s that. No, I’m not talking, right now, about the controllers, the Illuminati, or devils and their ilk; just us. We, my friends, are the creators of that. [See Are We Creators - How Do We Create ?] Some won't want to face this