Eyes of Mind - Eyes of Heart

2010-04-29 20

3rd Journal 4/26/2010 Transcript: On Scribd - http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace Intro: Just for fun, I’m going to try something, which is to look at something, the same thing, from both perspectives, the mind, then the heart. Let’s take this thing called “community service.” Boy, doesn’t that sound blah. Not too exciting, right? The mind looks on it as duty, as a good thing I can do, and I should do, and all that sort of rot. The mind is immediately off into what is the best kind of community service for me; what do I like doing, what won’t cost me a lot. Let’s be true and honest about this subject, for if we are, then we’ll admit that’s why more people don’t take on more projects. It’s blah. It’s boring. Better things to do. We won’t go into this deeper, because ... we begin to enter the emotional aspects of it, and we’re sticking with mind, right now. So let’s move on, and look at the same topic, but from heart perspective. ...I want you to have the experience...