He Has Forgiven Me - Damaris Carbaugh

2010-04-24 56


I know what it's like
To think of things I have done
To want to run and hide my head in shame
I know what it's like
To really hurt someone
And feel no sense of sorrow at their pain
But I know what it's like
To have enough of my disgrace
And find because of Jesus' blood
My sin can be erased.

He has forgiven me
My sin has been washed from His memory
By the Blood of the Lamb of Calvary
He has forgiven me

You know what it's like
For God to be your friend
To talk to Him with nothing inbetween
Do you know what it's like
When the day comes to an end
To sleep in peace because your heart is clean
Do you know what it's like
When the accuser comes your way
To look him squarely in the eye
With confidence and say

He has forgiven me
My sin has been washed from His memory
By the Blood of the lamb of Calvary
He has forgiven me

He has forgiven me
My sin has been washed from His memory
By the Blood of the lamb of Calvary
He has forgiven me