Clegg challenged over expenses

2010-04-21 47

Nick Clegg's attempt to portray himself as the man to "clean up" politics has been challenged after he was confronted over his own expenses claims.

The Liberal Democrat leader said his Sheffield constituency home was in a state of "complete disrepair" when he bought it.

Speaking at a press conference in Westminster, he defended his claims for work on his garden, saying it was a "complete eyesore" when the home was bought.

Mr Clegg was questioned about claims including a new kitchen, gardening work to prune apple and plum trees, a new garden wall and a shopping trip to Ikea for items including cushions.

Mr Clegg said: "On one simple issue of fact, I think you are right I made a mistake and there were a few personal calls, I think they amount to about £80 or £90, which were personal calls which were wrongly charged to expenses... I paid the money back instantly."

The reporter asked: "If it's our house, can we all stay for free?"

"I know there's new politics, but there's a limit," Mr Clegg joked.