I-CON SF 2010: Anime Idol - Final Results + Wrap Up

2010-04-19 31

Event: Anime Idol at I-CON SF
Venue: Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Date: March 28, 2010

The final results for Anime Idol are announced, shortly after the crowd was asked to vote for their favorites from the "English" and "Japanese" musical categories in it, by submitting them in hand-written form.

The final results are as follows:

Winner: Performer of "Vincent" (Starry Starry Night)
Runner-Up: Performer of "Slip Out"

Winner: Performer of "Fukai Mori" (Performed in a capella fashion)
Runner-Up: Performer of "High Touch! 2009"

Each winner and runner-up here received trophies for their accomplishments, along with some other goodies to go with it, such as music CDs, for instance.

Congratulations to all that were able to make it to this final round, and there were some interesting musical performances here, to be sure. Thanks to all who made this possible.

Check out the following link for a summary of all this: