Always bring flowers when you visit someone at home in France!
There are so many cultural differences, from place to place and country to country.
Explore a part of my neighborhood just outside Paris, France with me. Saint-Denis is a fascinating place, and was the center of France WAY before Paris (Lutêce) was.
I am an artist and have three movies in pre-production. Melvin Van Peebles is directing.
My agent, RicHernandez, can be reached at +33(0)698001705. is being built NOW!
I have two YouTube channels, SLOBOMOTION and CUTECATFAITH. NICEDAYDOGWORLD is coming -- it has a charity connection, and I need help getting non-profit status in the States and in France. Can you help? This video was a little too long for my YouTube formats.
Je suis francophone, et citoyenne française.
May we count you IN?
copyright 2010 Lisa B. Falour all rights reserved