AMD-Age Related Macular Degeneration

2010-04-02 2

How do we see the world?
- In the Normal Eye, the lens is clear & transparent,
-which focuses light on the retina
-To produce sharp image & clear picture.
ARMD: This is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in people over age of 60 years.
The retina has two parts: The Peripheral retina and central part called as Macula.
This is the only part which is capable of producing a sharp and crisp image.
Any damage to Macula will lead to blurred vision, wavy vision, even loss in Central part of vision.

There are two types of ARMD:

Dry AMD and Wet AMD-

What is Dry AMD-?
-This is the most common type
-There are few round deposits called drusens appear beneath the retina
-Development of large drusens may lead to decreased vision
-Dry type if MD is slow progressive loss of vision

What is wet AMD-?
-here the central part of the retina is called as macula which is capable of producing sharp image
-beneath the macula, the abnormal blood vessels starts growing