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Archive on behalf of the National Archives of the United Kingdom. history. View the collection Election 2002 The Library of Congress, in collaboration with WebArchivist.org of the State University of New York Institute of Technology and the Internet Archive, created the Election 2002 Web Archive. A selective 11th hour, the very night they are created. For example,... filmbay.com 133 items filmbay.com Subtitled Movies PLYmedia Collaborates with the Internet Archive to Provide Subtitles for Videos : PLYmedia has provided sub-titles for these non-English videos. Each of these videos is located in another collection... filmbay.com 21 items filmbay.com Prelinger Archive Mashups What happens when you make close to 2,000 ephemeral public domain films freely available on the Web? Archives View over 2,000 films from the Prelinger Archives! Prelinger Archives was founded in 1983 by Rick Prelinger in New York City. Over the next twenty years, it grew into a collection of over 60,000... filmbay.com 2,147 items filmbay.com Cinemasports Cinemasports is the Iron Chef of Filmmaking. Teams have 10 hours to complete a movie with a list of ingredients. Finished movies screen