Democratic House of Representative leaders predicted on Sunday that the final tally on US President Barack Obama's historic health care bill will meet or exceed the 216 votes required for passage while protesters both for and against the bill gathered outside the Capitol building.
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in bright sunshine to denounce what they see as an unconstitutional intrusion into personal health care decisions. Many waved American flags or signs denouncing the bill, Obama or other Democratic leaders.
Sue Hardenbergh, an activist from Ohio with the Tea Party Movement, travelled to Washington to fight against the measure: "We're hoping for people in Congress to search their heart and to do what's morally right and constitutionally right for America. We want health care reform. Do not misinterpret my message. We want private market solutions," she said.
And protester Tom Dalzell said the bill attacks liberty and is loaded with problems: "It's everything. It's the lies that they are telling us to pass this, all the deals that Obama's cutting. This is not going to be a deficit saving bill. It's going to be a deficit booming bill."
Nearby, a smaller group staged a counter protest. They waved signs reading, "Catholics for Healthcare Reform."
Chip Nilges, who was visiting Washington with his family, joined the protest: "Well, we're hoping that the bill will pass. And that people who have not had health care will be able to get it," he said.