Bomb disposal hero awarded posthumous award

2010-03-19 145

A bomb disposal hero who defused 13 Taliban improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by hand in 36 hours of continuous activity has been awarded a posthumous George Medal.

Captain Daniel Shepherd, 28, of the Royal Logistic Corps, was killed attempting to disarm an IED at Nad-e-Ali in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan, in July last year.

He was among more than 150 servicemen and women, many of whom served in Afghanistan last year, who were awarded honours.

Capt Shepherd, from Lincoln, personally cleared 13 IEDs from a drugs bazaar without the use of a bomb disposal robot, protective suit or specialist electronic equipment and while under sporadic enemy fire.

His medal citation reads: "He was an inspiration to his team. His personal actions directly and demonstrably saved the lives of innumerable Afghans, coalition and British forces before he made the ultimate sacrifice."