Birmingham social workers sacked over Khyra Ishaq

2010-03-19 66

Six social workers at Birmingham city council criticised over the death of a seven-year-old girl from starvation have been sacked.

The staff were dismissed over the past year for not doing their jobs properly.

A serious case review into the death of Khyra Ishaq is taking place after she died in May 2008. Her mother and stepfather were both jailed last week for her manslaughter.

Colin Tucker, director of children's social care at the council, said the sacked staff showed "no sign whatsoever" of meeting expected standards.

In an interview, he said: "We are not appointing some staff, as well as that we have dismissed six staff in the last year. There is a clear indication we are serious about our standards. They did not adhere to standards and expectations that we laid down. They showed no sign whatsoever that they were keen to do so, so we dismissed them."

The dismissals are not thought to be directly linked to Khyra's death. But they follow a number of other child deaths over recent years.

Khyra died after months of starvation at her home in Handsworth, Birmingham. She was removed from school in December 2007 and social workers made several attempts to visit her home.

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