Texas hog hunting best and affordable packages for hog

2010-03-17 1,086

Our hunts are stand hunting only during deer season and will be conducted from quad pods and ground blinds. You can spot and stalk hogs and exotics during the mid-day only in the exotic area. We run a feed route twice daily.

Our new two-story lodge offers our hunters spacious accommodations with a full kitchen and two baths. A skinning facility and cooler box is also available to our hunters. All you need is your weapon to hunt.

Our objective here at Dos Plumas is to offer the best value in a hunting operation to the everyday individual. We like to call ourselves "The Working Man's Ranch"!
Hunting takes place during late afternoon/evening hours when these animals are most active. Methods of hunting wild hogs and javelina include spot and stalk, safari-style and still hunting over corn feeders and baited ranch roads.