2010-03-11 190

This video speaks for it self, woman (and effeminate Males) create their own assaults and batteries, rapes, and killers, etc. When will you people wake up. You can't repeatedly disrespect and constantly hurt someones feelings without expecting that person to snap and flip out, when they take matters of vengeance into their own hands.

The quest for poetic justice, I call it. I am not saying this is right. However, I understand why this shit happens. When you will you "BRAIN RAPED" Sheeples understand the causes and effects on who you treat somebody.

The best way for this shit to come to a complete stop (this goes out too many women watching this video), is treat people (men) the you want to be treated yourself. It's common sense, but you BITCHES don't hear me though.

Oh well, I can't until the global elites and bankers knock you off your pedestal. Yes Baby, I can't wait!!!