Sweet Inspirations For The Soul by Pamela Kay Norwood

2010-03-10 46

Pamela Kay Norwood’s Sweet Inspirations For The Soul brings comfort to a weary soul. A collection of uplifting poetry, these literary pieces are a slice of heaven intended to bring peace and serenity in one’s life awaits. “Everyone has an inspiration in them just waiting to be let out of their soul,” Ms. Norwood says. Her book, Sweet Inspirations For The Soul, is just what everyone or anyone needing spiritual inspiration and uplifting should read. Anybody who wants to soothe their minds and channel their thoughts to God, who wants his children to have peace in life, will find their soulful cravings satisfied. Like the Scriptures, this book also seeks to inspire everyone to encourage and comfort one another. Just like the calming babble of a brook during high noon or a newborn baby’s first smile, Sweet Inspirations For The Soul will put a smile on the disheartened face and give renewed vigor to the world weary. Sweet Inspirations For The Soul is enrolled in Xlibris’ Bookstore Returnability Program, which gives booksellers the convenient option of returning excess stocks through Ingram Distribution. For more information, log on to www.Xlibris.com. Distributed by Tubemogul.