Pick up Method How to Valentines Special by Accessory Geeks

2010-03-02 19

Accessory Geeks Present:


See for yourself all of the great deals for Valentines day. Miller shows techniques on how to woo a date for Vday. All you need is to provide the effort. Comment-Rate-Enjoy.

1) Three out of four successes 2) People's interests vary 3) Your interests vary 4) Faith in humanity and chance_____________ .: Therefore, This cannot be made into a theory and doesn't gaurantee Vday date, but is worth the try!

1. The Meet 2. The Greet. 3. Compliment 4. Interaction

Scientific Theory is fun to use!

Great deals at accessorygeeks.com so don't hesitate to be enthralled!

Thanks to Macboy Productions for intro/outro