COUCH TALK LITE- Aaron Manfra (Pilgrims vs. Indians)

2010-02-23 50

Jason Siemer Productions presents, "Couch Talk Lite", a spinoff from the original Couch Talk with Jason Siemer & Jason Jubb. This time, Jason Siemer goes to random people's houses, sits in the comforts of their living room, drinks beer with them, and chats about whatever comes to mind for 3 hours while the cameras roll. Unscripted. Tune in every Monday for a new episode of Couch Talk or Couch Talk Lite. This Episode: Maintenance Technician Aaron Manfra. Subscribe to Siem1 on Youtube to receive each new episode via email and become a fan of Couch Talk on Facebook by visiting the "Fans of Couch Talk" page. Need any sort of video produced? Visit