How To Create An Arp Bass Rack Using Ableton + Analog (PT 2)

2010-02-19 171 I have created a 4-part effects masterclass for you. For FREE. I show you how to get one of THE best effects for FREE and then how to use it to do crazy things with your Ableton productions. My main focus is to get more people using Ableton as a live performance tool. I hate when people say that making tunes on the computer is not like playing an instrument. However for many people this is actually true. If you are guilty of creating your tracks by drag and drop you will never develop your skills. Plus you lose the enjoyment of actually having a hands on performance. All of this is purely my opinion. There are no rights or wrongs here. BUT when you get in the zone and knock out a great performance you will have far more chance of having your music noticed. This will help you stand out from the crowd. In this series you will learn how to create a bass instrument rack using Analog, one of Ableton's instruments. This will allow you to have a platform for creating any instrument rack you wish. By the end of this 3 parter you will have a bass rack with 8 assigned macro controls that will give you plenty of hands-on control of your sounds. Remember to visit my website to get your effects masterclass training videos. You will be directed where to get an AMAZING FREE VST plugin and also learn how to use it to create effects racks to give you more hands on control. Cheers Till next time Http://