Algebra: Solving Linear Equations - Part 2: Applications (Sample 2)

2010-02-18 733

[NOTE: This video is only 12 minutes of the full 3 hour lesson.] This lesson consists of providing you with a Self-Tutorial on how to solve typical linear word problems (story problems or applied problems). The tutor shows you how to solve for a specific variable in formulas. He also discusses how to covert a repeating decimal into a fraction (which was skipped in Basic Math: Lesson 6 -"Fractions") and will teach you how to convert units of measurement.

Examples of word problems done include:

Finding a number based on certain criteria.
Word problems involving some geometry (triangle, rectangle, circle).
Age problems.
Mixture problems.
Money problems (story of my life!).
Rate-Time-Distance problems.
Percent Equations/problems.
Ratio and Proportion (concepts and solving problems, including similar triangles).
Problems dealing with Unit Price.

Full Lesson here: