Glenn Beck and Alex Jones imbeciles and provacateurs

2010-02-12 580

The Stench of Truth (287).mp4 Glenn Beck shows his true colors with his interview with Debra Medina running for governor of Texas. Does he talk about issues? NO! He chooses to focus on the 9/11 truth movement. Medina to her credit answered the only appropriate way and that is that she doesn't have sufficient information to make a decision as to what really happened. He is a boob, stooge, or idiot and might as well be working for the police state because he fosters much that will cause it to grow. The same can be said for Alex Jones who fosters fear for the most part. True he does come out with news but amps the fear factor. This is done to cause extremes of behavior and will work to further the ends of the police state that he is supposedly against. He might as well be paid by them too for all the work he does for them.