Indonesian Anti-Corruption Chief Jailed

2010-02-12 91

Indonesia's former anti-corruption chief has been found guilty of taking part in a murder. Antasari Azhar was sentenced to 18 years in jail by a court in Jakarta on Thursday.

Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, the director of a state-owned firm, was shot in the head at a golf course in Banten Province in July last year. He died later in hospital.

Azhar had been accused of ordering Zulkarnaen's murder after he'd threatened to reveal Azhar was having an affair with his former wife, a caddy at a local golf club.

The case has been followed by millions of Indonesians. Judge Herri Swantoro told the court Azhar had been found guilty of "participating in persuading the carrying out of a premeditated murder."

The defendant has always denied any wrongdoing, insisting he was the victim of a plot to remove him from his post as head of the Corruption Eradication Commission.
He told the panel of judges he would appeal against his conviction.