World famous dental technician, has changed the understanding of dentistry work. Inspired by the desire to create a unique and intense copy of the nature, thanks the experience gained during an unrepeatable career, with his technique has become possible to create prosthesis completely identical to the nature.
Another great thing that Willi Geller has sent is the philosophy of Oral Design. A group of nearly 100 people scattered in the world, we speak of different personalities from about 40 countries, who enthusiastically implement and disseminate the philosophy of the Master Willi Geller.
fresissima® customer and friend since 10 years, during an interview on his “organization” and on the future of the dental industry, he left his testimony about our products and he gave us an ideas for our future with the exclusive distribution system “BEYOND THE FRANCHISING®”, started with great ambitions of internationality. Thanks again the friend Willy and we share with you all his words.