Frustrated Haitians Demand Government Action

2010-02-04 104

Scores of destitute Haitians are directing their frustration and anger towards the nation’s leader.
They are demanding urgent action from President Rene Preval in the wake of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck three weeks ago, killing up to 200 thousand people.
[Jack Estanly, Protester]:"We lost our jobs in 2004-2007, we looked for jobs but there's nothing, the people in the streets have nothing, no water for drinking, no house. There are some children orphaned, but no help also. Today I come here to ask the Preval government to pay us."
The protest came as the United Nations admitted the aid operation had been frustratingly slow, but was showing signs of progress.
Over the next 10 days, the UN’s World Food Program aims to have 16 food distribution points across Port-au-Prince that will provide 2 million people with two-week rations.

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