Nothing Implied

2010-02-03 35

Nothing Implied (2006)

Performance Instructions:

Each players part compromises 6 groups of text, taken from various UK newspapers on 4 days during August 2006 (the period traditionally known as the silly season). the stories were chosen for their lurid, harrowing or humorous content. Alongside the text is a diagrammatic score, indicating the length of the 6 sections of the piece, punctuated by silence, and some instructions to the players for the selection of their pitch material.

The total range of each instrument is divided into three registers: low, medium and high. Within each register the players are free to choose any pitches according to the number specified in the score for each section of the piece (e.g. violin I in section one chooses any five pitches in the high register. Viola in section two chooses any six pitches from all registers, etc)....

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