2010-01-29 yourdailyjingle presents: CTP at Fairmont HS

2010-01-30 64

NOTE - This video was actually recorded and edited by Career Tech Program students at Fairmont High School. Way to go! Did you notice anything different about this jingle than most? Did it seem like I actually had a production crew, instead of my sole tripod companion? Well, I did! I recorded today's jingle at Fairmont High School in their TV/radio production studio. Yes, they have a studio at FHS. Today's jingle is about the Career Tech Program at Fairmont High School in the Daytonian suburb of Kettering, in which the production studio is a part of. I had a great time working with the teachers and students during my taped interview (for morning announcements), a taped performance of their jingle (what you see here today), and then returning to ANOTHER live interview about 2 minutes later airing on both radio and television. Whew, what a busy day! If you're going to Fairmont High School or will be in the future, you'd be a tool if you didn't take advatage of their Career Tech Program. Let me break it down for you, bullet-point style: - Fields include TV/radio production, health, architecture/construction, mechanical engineering, computer programming, bio-engineering, and automotive, and more! - You actually get FREE college credit from these programs - If you want to go to Sinclair afterward graduating highschool as a springboard to a 4-year degree, they'll give you a $3k scholarship, making Sinclair almost completely free Lyrics available at yourdailyjingle.com