Have you ever met someone who spent 25 years in school? Have you ever met someone who earned 3 college degrees (with honors) but didn’t pay a *single* penny to receive them? Have you ever met someone who performed in the 1996 Olympic Games, and the very *next* day, went to work on a NASA military jet? Well meet KANTIS SIMMONS! http://KantisSimmons.com After 10 years of being a scientist, wearing a white lab coat and dressing like Albert Einstein, TODAY he travels across the country showing students how to get better grades, past standardized test and pay for school. In his talk you will hear how he almost failed to graduate from high school while on the honor roll, how he legally cheated on tests and never got caught, and how he earned more than $317,000 of scholarship money. As America’s #1 Academic Success Speaker and author of “Playing Your ‘A’ Game”, Kantis is energetic, funny and the coolest nerd you will ever meet. Invite Kantis Simmons to your next school event today. http://KantisSimmons.com or call 1-800-541-4660