Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti: Sat Yoga Meditation

2010-01-27 1

Spiritual wisdom teaching offered by Shunyamurti, director of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. This meditation teaching was recorded during the evening of Thursday June 04 of 2009 by Sat Yoga´s Volunteer Staff.

Excerpt: Namaste. It is traditional in India, either before or after a meditation to say these words "Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti." Shanti means both peace and silence. The same word for both because you can´t really have one without the other. And the three times that it is said refers to peace on the outer level, peace within, and the supreme peace of the union with God. But how many of us really want peace, ask yourself, do you really want to be serene, peaceful, silent, implacable, unshakable, in every situtation throught out your life? Or would that be boring to you? How many really want that?