Activists Protest Failure of Climate Talks

2010-01-23 71

Many environmental activists say they’re not pleased with the outcome of the climate talks in Copenhagen last year. A group of them held a demonstration outside the U.S. embassy in Bangkok to express their discontent.

Dozens of environmental activists held a protest outside the U.S. embassy in Bangkok on Friday to protest against what they call the failure of climate change talks in Copenhagen last year.

The protesters carried placards condemning the U.S., Canada and Australia for their failure to curb climate change.

[Von Hernandez, Executive Director, Greenpeace of Southeast Asia]: (English)
"These three countries are historically and largely responsible for creating this problem. They refused to make strong commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to a level that is required, to avert run-away climate change. This is unacceptable because with this action, with this shameless act, they have effectively consign millions of people, particularly in area like Southeast Asia, which are highly vulnerable to the risk of climate change."

Many countries relied on the U.S. for setting a target on reducing carbon emissions, but the U.S. government is slow in passing legislation on carbon reduction. President Barack Obama wants to cut emissions by 4 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, or a 17 percent cut from 2005 levels.

Another round of United Nations climate talks is scheduled for November in Mexico. The meeting aims to nail down what negotiators failed to achieve in Copenhagen, which is a new treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol, an environmental treaty to combat global warming.

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