Rescued, after seven days buried under the ruins of a collapsed cathedral in the quake-hit Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. This video, shot by Christian Aid worker Sarah Wilson, shows the moment sixty-nine-year-old Ena Zizi was pulled from the rubble, after seven days without food or water.
Sarah Wilson talked to us from Haiti.
[Sarah Wilson, Christian Aid]:
“It was incredibly moving to see her being brought out alive, none of us expected anyone to come out alive, we were just watching the rescue operation. We didn’t expect anyone to be brought out at this stage, a week after the disaster happened.”
Mexican firefighters who conducted the rescue saw it as a miracle.
[Fireman from Mexico]:
"I cleared the area. Our colleagues from Cancun helped us out as well as those from South Africa. Thanks to everyone’ s help we managed to save this blessed lady, who was praying and praying and it was her faith, her deep faith that really saved her. This is what happened.”
The human body can normally only survive 3 days without water, Ena Zizi lasted seven. Her rescue offers a glimmer of hope that more survivors may still be found.
Ben Hedges, NTD News