Somali Pirates Fight Over Largest Ransom Ever Paid

2010-01-20 432

Somali pirates have freed a Greek tanker seized two months ago for a ransom of seven million U.S. dollars, the highest ever paid. The Maran Centaurus was carrying two million barrels of oil.

But hours before the ransom was due to be delivered, rival pirates in speedboats fought for control of the vessel. The two gangs exchanged fire and two of the vessel gunmen were shot dead. The pirates in the speedboats had also threatened to set the tanker ablaze if they did not receive a share of the ransom.

[Andrew Mwangura, East Africa's Seafarer's Association]:
"A Greek flagged oil tanker has been released by pirates. She was released this morning at around 8.30 East Africa time. She was released after a ransom of money of 7 million U.S. dollars was dropped by a chopper. The last batch of gunmen disembarked from the vessel this morning before she sailed out to safe waters, and we are informed that two of the gunmen were shot dead in an exchange of fire by a rival group who also wanted a share of the ransom money."

According to local testimonies, helicopters from patrolling Western navies fired at the speedboats, who were cleared from the area before the cash was dropped.

Pirate attacks have increased by nearly 40 percent worldwide. Last year alone, Somali pirates hijacked at least 12 vessels for ransom and held over 250 crew members hostage.