Japan Offers Aid Money to Quake-Stricken Haiti

2010-01-17 588

A 7.0-magnititude earthquake in Haiti on Tuesday left buildings in ruin and potentially tens of thousands of people dead.

On Thursday, Japan offered $5 million U.S. dollars in aid to Haiti—joining many other countries pledging assistance to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

[Hirofumi Hirano, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary]:
"Japan has decided to grant free financial aid of up to five million U.S. dollars and we are coordinating with international organizations to assist Haiti as soon as possible.”

Much of Japan's aid will be in the form of grants to the devastated and impoverished island. Japan may also send medical assistance.

The quake's epicenter was only ten miles from Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. About four million people live in and around the city.

A spokesman from the Haitian Red Cross said his organization was overwhelmed and out of medicine.

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