(www.paxstereo.tv/morningcoffee) Morning Coffee with Mario Talk Show Series: We straighten out all this negro talk, Sarah Palin joins Fox, Simon Cowell to exit American Idol, Jimi Hendrix has a new CD release and we revisit some classic video, artist Trish Andrews music video jams, Mark McGwire admits to steroid use, Kim Kardashian speaks on marrying Reggie Bush, Pete Carroll confirms move to Seattle, Ray J's exgirlfriend Danger says Young Buck is his secret man crush, Usher gets robbed, we take a look at the Iron Man 2 trailer, and the HOT HOT pics are a real surprise!! (01-12-10) PART 1 - FIRST 10 MINUTES ONLY - FULL-LENGTH VERSION AVAILABLE ALSO (THIS REQUIRED BY DISTRIBUTORS)