Sgt. Frog - Season 2 Part 2 - 1/26/10 - Anime Trailer

2010-01-11 2

Available on DVD 1/26/2010 They came. They saw. They built a spa in the basement! Keroro and his elite team of fighting frogs crossed the galaxy on mission to invade planet Earth, but they got distracted by things that were – well – tons more fun. Who needs ray-guns and amphibious mechas when you’ve got surprise parties, clandestine trips to the zoo, starring roles in school plays, and dinosaur-themed theme parks? Not these frogs of war. In fact, the Sergeant and his comrades are hard at work creating their own frog-centric anime! It’s got action! It’s got adventure! And it’s got romance! Romance? Yes, even a battle-scarred soldier like Giroro turns lily-pad lothario at the sight of a certain pretty Pekopon.