Israeli Immigrants Celebrate their Global Culture

2010-01-09 312

Our reporter in Israel now takes us to a special festival that celebrates the culture of immigrants from around the world. Here's more.

Since its foundation in 1948 Israel has been a country that absorbs immigrants from around the world. In recent years most of the immigrants have come from the former USSR and Ethiopia.

Here in the city of Petah Tikva, a festival of immigrant artists promoted by the Israeli Union of Performing Arts and supported by the Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption is taking place. The talents of artists from Brazil, Ethiopia, Russia, Ghana, Tunisia, India, Spain and many more countries have come together to create a unique show.

[Elizet Reter, Singer and Immigrant from Brazil]:
"I think this festival is a great great thing Because it assembles so many cultures together and it means for me that they acknowledgment each one of us, as part of the Israeli culture already and this is great."

The audience enjoys a colorful show that includes opera singers, Jazz, ballet dancing, modern dance, ethnic songs and also a presentation of an Ethiopian wedding ceremony.

[Yankale Mendel, Chairman, Israeli Union of Performing Artists]:
"It's very important for us, as the Union of Artists, to guard our culture in Israel. We received a lot from the Russian immigrants. We received great musicians, and dancers from South America. In other words, the important thing for us here, trenchantly, is to cultivate the Israeli culture. Of course, part of that culture are the immigrant artists."

The artists here are proud of the culture they have brought from their countries of origin and are looking for ways to express themselves in Israel. The organizers say that for Israelis it's also important to give the immigrants the sense that they are part of Israeli society.

A report by Lee Rom, NTD, Israel.