Shen Yun Set to Arrive in Boston, USA

2010-01-06 214

[Reporter standup]:
“Boston, Massachusetts, a city rich in history, is known as the birthplace of the American Revolution and the cradle of liberty. Things got pretty exciting around here back in the late seventeen hundreds, when breaking free from England was high on every patriot’s wish list. This commanding statue, sculpted by Cyrus Dallin, commemorates the famous “midnight ride” of Paul Revere on April 18th, 1775.”

Upon seeing a two-lantern signal from this Old North Church steeple, the legendary Revere rode a borrowed horse between Boston and Lexington, warning patriots that the British Redcoats were on their way.

The American Revolutionary War followed fast on his heels.

[Reporter standup]:
“But what if Paul were here today in Boston’s North End, over two centuries later? No doubt he would know that Shen Yun was coming to town. And he might want to help spread the news. No need to ride very far, since the downtown theater district is less than a mile away. Let’s take a look.”

Theater is very much a part of the Boston cultural scene—with dozens of venues in the greater Boston area.

Here within a few square blocks we have the Schubert, the Colonial, the Wang Center for the Performing Arts, the Cutler Majestic, the Orpheum—and the Boston Opera House where Shen Yun will give four classical Chinese dance and music performances on January, 8, 9 and 10.

The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has received greetings and letters of recognition from several Massachusetts officials. They include U.S. senators John Kerry and Paul Kirk, Jr., U.S. Congressmen James McGovern and Stephen Lynch, and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.

After the Boston shows, Shen Yun will visit Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 16 and 17 for another four-show run.

Marcus Gale, NTD News, Boston.

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