Flexset Concrete Repair product utilizes a naturally rounded sand, which is polymer coated in our plant. This type of aggregate greatly enhances flowability and increases the overall strength of the concrete. FlexSet is supplied in three and five gallon kits with pre-measured amounts of chemical and aggregate in each container. Each 5-gallon kit will deliver 0.4 cubic feet which will cover approximately 50 square feet at a thickness of 1/8".
FlexSet components can be mixed in the bucket it comes in with a hand drill, or in our low cost motorized pail mixer. The material has a 6-8 minute working time at 75ºF.Concrete Repairs can be completed using FlexSet Concrete Repair in minutes with a few simple steps. There is no need for saw cutting or use of a primer. The resulting repair can be put back into service in as little as 30 minutes.