The Revelation Of The Method: The Predictive Programming!

2009-12-25 53

The Revelation Of The Method: The Predictive Programming
by Andre Heath

V presents a ghostly sub-textual narrative of partial concealment and potential revelations. The bipolar orientation. The double-talk. The double-mind. The whole underlay of meanings which network beneath the narrative structure. The actual meaning underlying the apparent surface meaning. The emotion, thought or intent underneath the overt words and actions, resounding and resonating into the subconscious. A mechanism used to further the psychological warfare on the populace. Cloaked revelations designed to eventually demoralize and dis-empower the masses into a passive existence. Archetypal signs and mythological symbols percolating into the psyche of the dreaming mind, facilitating the ultimate covert operation. The crytocratic zeitgeist of the pervasive convergence towards a New World Order of the Ages.