Cosmetic surgery abroad Anti-aging Treatments, Procedures An

2009-12-22 2
Here is a list of the latest anti-aging treatments expected to boom over the coming years:

Thread Lift
This is a cutting edge innovation of the facelift technique. This treatment requires no cutting. The procedure begins with inserting tiny strings underneath the patients skin and connected to the facial tissues. The strings act as pulleys. During this hour-long procedure, the stretching of the strings causes the skin to pull itself.

Some doctors say that this treatment is specially made for those not prepared for a facelift. Typical patients are people that have mild jowling as well as looseness on their necks. The strings stay underneath the skin. The good thing about this is when the one begins to age; the doctor can easily tighten them or put another string and lift it up.

Fat Transfer
When we age, our faces and other areas in our body loosen. There is a way to plump it back. This treatment is an innovative process. The doctor will r