Absolute Zero by Denim Tear Original Music (Demo Version)

2009-12-18 4

Denim Tear's 2nd ever song - Absolute Zero. This is the demo version (the final version is unfinished without vocals). It has a few rough edges and a quiet vocal track. Recorded from an old cassette tape

Video is made using footage from the film Less Than Zero (1987) which is based on Brett Easton Ellis' book of the same name.

Vocals, Piano - Jon
Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar - Rich (me)

Lyrics :

Can't you see that my heart is made from stone
Can't you see that I'll always be alone
Can't you be just another hand holding me
Can't you tell that i'm far too blind to ....

see my soul is burning an inferno fuelled by pain
see my heart is yearning for desire once again

my mind is spinning.....now i'm losing you
is this a phase that i'm going through?
not really sure what we're searching for..
I think it's hope but i'm not so sure...

(continues but no space left sorry)