Tationil Glutathione is a strong antioxidant to remove excess free radicals that cause abnormal function of brain and organs.
Treats neurodegenerative symptoms such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, stroke, irritate bowel and chronic fatigue.
Reconstitutes the function of Vitamin C and E especially taken with Vitamin C injection.
Greatly reduces acne/blemish/ pimples.
Long term treatment for smokers ad drinkers.
Injectable Glutathione is never a far-reached option for us! It is for all of us. One full 600mg of GLUTATHIONE directly distributed in our body to reach every part of our skin without being destroyed by our disgestive track. A total WHITENING process of even tone with an INSTANT GLOW and SUPPLE you will experience. Take a new reborn of skin as moisturized without the use of lotion! Even out those blotches and take this new experience!