Dehydration and Neck, Back, and Sciatic Nerve Pain: Factor 5

2009-11-21 2 The 5th Factor Contributing to Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica: Dehydration or Inadequate Hydration! The intervertebral discs are made up of 85-90% water. Hydration is key!

The 5 Factors Contributing to Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica: Dehydration or Inadequate Hydration

The five factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica are crucial, not only for our own edification but also for our overall understanding of how to best construct and/or follow a real and lasting, effective pain relief strategy.

Dealing with the 5 contributory factors will put us on the road to permanent neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief.

While we have discussed the 5 factors over the past several months, we have gone into detail over the last few days. It is my hope that you will achieve real and lasting relief as a result.

The fifth factor, dehydration or inadequate hydration is vitally important, as our intervertebral discs are made of primarily of water. We lose water daily and our ability to replenish our body's water supply is seriously jeopardized by our habits and our intake of various fluids know to be diuretic in nature.

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