Diet and Nutrition: Overcoming Neck, Back and Sciatic Nerve

2009-11-20 221 Diet and Nutrition: Overcoming Neck, Back and Sciatic Nerve Pain! The 4th Factor Contributing to Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica! In understanding and dealing effectively with neck pain, back pain, and sciatica it is crucial we understand what factors most affect and exacerbate neck, back, and sciatic nerve pain...and how to find real and lasting pain relief.

The first of the five factors is excess weight and/or obesity. The second contributory factor is muscle weakness. The third is muscle imbalance. The fourth factor leading to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica is inadequate diet and nutrition. The fifth factor is dehydration or inadequate hydration. These 5 factors, take singularly or in concert are
the main reasons most people see their medical practitioner for neck, back, and leg pain.

These are not the only factors but they are most often responsible and many of the "other" factors can be linked back at least in part to one or a combination of several of the above 5 factors.To see more on this and to understand this topic more completely, along with the other factors go to:
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