Infractions@Jehay, in-situ installation

2009-11-18 138

In-situ installation presented during summer 2009 near Liège (Belgium)

A red liquid seemed to have been shed in an isolated grove, leaving traces. The visual effect was expected to be unsettling or ambiguous : What happened there? How do we justify our presence within this fragile ecosystem?

“Infractions” involves a natural red paint (bone glue, earth pigments, linseed oil) . The paint is laid on the ground and on deadwood and is degrading within roughly 2 months under the influence of weather, mould and insects, vegetation eventually taking over.

This work was inpired by Roberto Juarroz's poem :

Living is being in infraction
of a rule or of another rule
there is no alternatives :
infringing nothing is being dead.
Reality is Infraction
Unreality also is.
Between the two, flows a river of mirrors
which doesn't appear on any map
In this river all the rules dilute,
any infraction becomes another mirror.

(Decimocuarta poesia vertical n°74, translated from the Spanish/French edition, José Corti, 1997)