Sound Curtains - Case Study - Industrial Fan Noise

2009-11-12 1 Sound curtain industrial fan noise case study. A manufacturing plant contacted Unger Technologies to review noise exposure from several of its variable frequency belt driven centrifugal fans. We conducted sound level readings around the Chicago Blowers and noted low and mid frequency levels between 90-91 dB(A) 5 feet from the fans. Unger determined noise sources associated with this fan where the variable speed driven motors and the fan casings. Unger suggested a removable sound blanket wrap be installed on the fan housing and then a perimeter sound curtain system be installed. The sound reduction was measured at 12 decibels thus achieving the customers acoustic goals well below 85 dBA. Call Us Toll-Free At 1-888-213-4711 Unger Technologies 297 North 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060