He Put His Ideas Into Action

2009-11-03 29

I talked to Mr. Cossman and I learned
The most important thing was to believe in yourself

Dave Barret -
Locksmith and Inventor
I was able to go out there, and within three weeks I had my own company formed. It's so easy to go out there and find a product. In the locksmith business I am in, I can go out there and use the course to market myself and get a share of the market.
I invented the Secur-i-chain, and it is completely unlike any other product on the market. It's like other chain locks except this one has the chain completely inside the door. I wrote to the factory, because I was aware of another product they had, they offered me the whole product line free of charge. no cost to me whatsoever, just an obligation to me to do my best to sell their product. since we spoke a year ago my sales were $10,000, because I just started selling, and through the whole product line and my companies that I have formed, we sold $250,000 last year, and next year we plan to sell $500,000 worth.